History of Global Private Sales Offering(asset sample mix)

We are global private sales company and we follow strict protocol around NDA agreements and deal privacy. Basar investment sales does not over expose assets to the market we place a select number of of deals in a “priority que ” and then our global team target a select number of global investors with full acquisition capabilities. The targeted “priority que” model is derive from technological base information which retrieves a select number of fully funded global institutions and investors. Our targeted deal flow execution strategy requires investors to respond quickly and efficiently to our NDA protocol to benefit from the institutional quality investment opportunities that we offer in an off market private transaction. We operate strictly from limited marketing period of 80 days with an internal state of certainty remove from all forms conjecture concerning our ability to execute and deliver value and results.

Shanghia Office Building- Shanghia China

Mexico Hotel Resort -Cancun Mexico

Mix Use Office -Baku Azerbijian

Luxury Apartment Bldg New York NY

Munich Office Munich  Germany

London Office Bldg London UK

Intercontinental Hotel Seoul Korea

GState Logistic Center  NC USA

14 US Walgreen Portfolio USA

Savoy Hotel- London UK

5th Ave Office Bldg New York NY

Boula Shopping Mall Instanbul Turkey

Bucharest IH Hotel, Bucharest Romania

Garden Apartments JV Houston Texas

Ambasscotori Hotel Rome Italy

Data Center Ho Chi Min Vietnam

Ghangzhou Hotel, Ghangzhou China

Four Seasons Hotel New York NY

Mansoor Hotel Morrocco Africa

Greenhill.Office Park ,  Connecticut USA

E-Warehouse Amazon

New Jersey Office

NC Office Building

Chrysler NYC -1

NYC Apartments Astoria

Sheraton Huzhou China

Principe Venice

Munich Office Building

Apartments Portfolio

Raddison Hotel Rome

South Africa Office

Maragini Hotel Italy